An Ungrateful Son

I read some news in the BBC that I’ve found very curious. It’s about an 18-year-old guy who has painted something that he surely considered very funny on the roof of his parents’ house.

Would you like to see what is it?

The news is:

Ungrateful Son

An 18-year-old has secretly painted a 60ft drawing of a phallus on the roof of his parents' £1million mansion in Berkshire. It was there for a year before his parents found out. They say he'll have to scrub it off when he gets back from travelling.

Interesting vocabulary:

Phallus = polite way for naming the penis
Find out = find / discover / come upon
Scrub off = to remove (dirt or stains) by hard rubbing

A hard task is awaiting the young guy ….

Link | News in the BBC
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