In English,
binomials are two-word expressions joined by a conjunction
e.g. and, or, but etc.
Back and forth / to and from /there and back (from one place to another)
e.g. They sent us
back and forth to various government departments for official stamps.
Down and out (without a home or money) e.g. Many factory workers have been down and out following the closure of the company.
First and foremost (most importantly) e.g. First and foremost, I would like to welcome our guests.
Give and take (compromise) e.g. In order for a marriage to be successful there has to be some give and take.
Give or take / more or less (approximately) e.g. It should be sorted out in two weeks, give or take.
Here and there (scattered around) e.g. There a few bakeries here and there in the city.
Last but not least (finally) e.g. Last but not least, we would like to thank you for your participation.
Law and order (police enforcement of law) e.g. Following the demonstrations, the police were called in to impose law and order.
Leaps and bounds (great improvement) e.g. Ever since she started private lessons, she has improved in leaps and bounds.
Neat and tidy (well-ordered) e.g. How important do you think it is to be neat and tidy?
Odds and ends (small, unimportant things) e.g. I’ve got some odds and ends to take care of this Sunday.
On and off /Now and then (occasionally) e.g. We don’t see them very often but they call us now and then.
Out and about (going out) e.g. He’s not at home. He’s out and about.
Part and parcel (part of) e.g. Being rebellious is part and parcel of being a teenager.
Peace and quiet (calm) e.g. We’re driving to the countryside to get some peace and quiet.
Pick and choose (a wide choice) e.g. There are many tools at the D.I.Y store. You can pick and choose what you like.
Safe and sound (unharmed) e.g. When my children are out, I can only sleep once I know they are safe and sound in their beds.
Sick and tired (fed up) e.g. I’m sick and tired of my job that’s why I’m looking for a new one.
Slowly but surely (gradually) e.g. The government is making improvements in the area, slowly but surely.
Sooner or later (someday) e.g. Sooner or later our planet will look like a giant rubbish bin.
Take it or leave it (accept or reject something) e.g. That’s out final offer, take it or leave it.
Up and down (in both directions) e.g. We went up and down the street looking for their house.
Wine and dine (entertain) e.g. We are wining and dining our clients from Kazakhstan this evening.
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