General Training Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1)

You are planning a two-week vacation, and you need someone to take care of your house while you are away.
Write a letter to your neighbour. In your letter
Tell your neighbour that you are going away

ask your neighbour to take care of your house for you
explain what tasks you would like your neighbour to do

Dear Rob,

I hope you are well. The time has finally arrived for me to take my annual leave and I’m sure you’re tired of me going on about it continuously. Well, I’m going to Alaska for two weeks starting on the 1st of April. Everything has been booked and confirmed and I’m so excited.

You’ve already informed me that you’ll be at home next week so I was wondering whether you could do me a favour. I would really appreciate it if you could pop into my house from time to time to make sure everything is fine.

The plants in the living room need to be watered once a week only and placed near the window when it is sunny. In terms of taking care of the house that is all I require you to do. I also gave your telephone number to the TV repair company who will be returning my set on the 8th of April. Kindly open the house for them so they can install it for me.
Thank you for all your help and I’ll remember to bring back the souvenir you requested from Alaska.

Question taken from Barron’s IELTS Practice Exams p.387
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