To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
When it comes to health, education and trade, poorer nations are regarded as lagging behind. Richer nations often help out by sending aid, providing funds or carrying out development projects.
In my opinion, the state of many poor countries can be attributed to the previous actions of rich European nations. Taking Africa as an example, countries on this continent were colonised by the British, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Germans. These colonial powers were responsible for taking Africa’s natural mineral resources. It is their duty and obligation to now assist these countries.
Richer nations have discovered vaccines and cures for illnesses and can provide solutions in the area of health. Richer nations can benefit from trading with poorer nations who have the necessary raw materials (e.g. diamonds, gold, copper, etc) and cheap labour. Finally, education is the sector that is worst hit in the Third World with millions out of school, particularly girls.
The type of aid that is sent is important. Richer nations should teach poorer ones to become independent so they will be self-sufficient and can have a sustainable economy in the long-run. Providing aid as a hand-out is temporary and provides short-term solutions. Furthermore, this aid might be used to control a country further.
To sum up, richer countries measure the development of poorer nations according to their own standards. Third World countries need to be able to stand on their own two feet in all aspects. If they accept help from richer nations they should make sure there are no hidden agendas and development programmes have a long-term aim.
Cambridge, Ielts 3 past papers, p.98
In my opinion, the state of many poor countries can be attributed to the previous actions of rich European nations. Taking Africa as an example, countries on this continent were colonised by the British, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Germans. These colonial powers were responsible for taking Africa’s natural mineral resources. It is their duty and obligation to now assist these countries.
Richer nations have discovered vaccines and cures for illnesses and can provide solutions in the area of health. Richer nations can benefit from trading with poorer nations who have the necessary raw materials (e.g. diamonds, gold, copper, etc) and cheap labour. Finally, education is the sector that is worst hit in the Third World with millions out of school, particularly girls.
The type of aid that is sent is important. Richer nations should teach poorer ones to become independent so they will be self-sufficient and can have a sustainable economy in the long-run. Providing aid as a hand-out is temporary and provides short-term solutions. Furthermore, this aid might be used to control a country further.
To sum up, richer countries measure the development of poorer nations according to their own standards. Third World countries need to be able to stand on their own two feet in all aspects. If they accept help from richer nations they should make sure there are no hidden agendas and development programmes have a long-term aim.
Cambridge, Ielts 3 past papers, p.98
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